Messages in FedEx ITD Retiree Breakfast Club group.
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Irene Williams3/30/2016
Premiums: Social Security Part B and Advantage plan from Humana
Jimmy Glenn Burk3/30/2016
Subject: Example Medicare signup:
Jimmy Glenn Burk3/30/2016
Example Medicare signup:Stephanie:
Per Mo
$0 Medicare Part A Hospital
$122 Medicare Part B Doctor/Testing
$136 Supplement: Blue Cross Plan F
$19 Drugs Part D Humana
$37 Dental: Rennaissance
$14 Vision: VSP Choice (paid annually $168)
Per Mo
$0 Medicare Part A Hospital
$122 Medicare Part B Doctor/Testing
$136 Supplement: Blue Cross Plan F
$31 Drugs Part D ExpressScripts
$54 Dental: FedEx Cobra
$0 Vision: None
Janie Haynes3/30/2016
Jimmy, thanks for posting this. I'm definitely going to check out Humana, Renaissance, and VSP. Did you contact the companies directly or go through FedEx?
Jimmy Glenn Burk3/30/2016
Went thru OneExchange with FedEx but also called my dentist and eye doctor for suggestions.
The dental insurance is something but none are very good. They do get you some discounts, and maybe your cleanings and xrays, but pay very little on other work and max out at $1000 or $1500 per year.
Supposedly Delta Dental, not offered thru oneexchange, was a good plan and some offices said a group plan was offered on the medicare obamacare exchange which did pay well, but was too much trouble to sign up thru everything for me.
The vision plans essentially pay for an eye exam each year, and a basic pair of glasses or some contacts. The eye doctors office recommended Davis VSP Plus, but I think that is a group plan and I couldn't find information to sign up as an individual.
If you are diabetic, you get your eye exam under Medicare Part B paid for annually.
And the OneExchange site was pretty good on determining which plan was good for you for drugs. Just sign up for your account (which you can only do 3 months before your birthday) and enter your drugs into the system and save. You can then see the plans offered that carry those drugs. The agents have a good understanding of how to handle. If you are taking some really expensive drugs and might go into the donut hole where you pay the majority costs for the drugs, they can recommend some options. they usually recommend filling your last drug order thru Cigna to get a 3 month supply before going onto a medicare part D drug plan.
Janie Haynes3/30/2016
Jack Brown3/31/2016
If you are in good health, that is a lot to pay every month for insurance. Have you researched the Advantage plans? My wife and I use the Humana Gold Advantage plan which covers all Medicare Parts. We each have $104 deducted each month by Social Security and pay Humana a monthly premium of $35 each. Humana has its own mail order pharmacy, so we have no co-pay on all of our prescriptions but 2. These 2 are filled at CVS, which have co-pays.
Ray Lipham4/1/2016
I have a question that probably is of interest to anyone during the transition from FedEx medical insurance to Medicare. The way I understand it, when you start the year that you turn 65, you are on FedEx insurance and don't make the transition until you actually turn 65. How does FedEx handle the $400 per year Health Reimbursement Account the year that you turn 65? Do they prorate per month or do you get the full amount to spend up until you go on Medicare? If there is a balance in the account at the time you switch to Medicare, does that balance get transferred over to your Medicare account or does it just go away? I was planning to call and ask but I thought I'd first post the question here since the answers may be of interest to others during their transition.
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/1/2016
Good question, and you actually transition to Medicare, not on your birthday, but the 1st of the month that your birthday is in. So if your birthday is May 15, Medicare starts May 1st, and FedEx insurance ends on April 30th; I was pleasantly surprised that the pension check automatically stopped taking out the FedEx monthly insurance premium, without having to call them.
Subject: FedEx Trivia Answers:
Jimmy Glenn Burk3/31/2016
FedEx Trivia
Answers:a. this FedExr parachuted out of a plane, his parachute didn't open, he landed on his back (with parachute pack somewhat cushioning his fall) and broke his back and survivedTom Bullionb. this FedExr's jet what shot out of the sky over Vietnam and spent a couple days hanging in a tree before being rescuedGil Mookc. this FedExr was a test pilot and was demonstrating a new fighter jet at the Paris air show; while manueuvering, half his wing fell off the aircraft, and he somehow was able to land itJim McKinneyd. this FedExr left FedEx and became the CIO and/or COO of many companies including Sprint and AT&T and others.Dr. Ron Pondere. this FedExr left FedEx and became the Chief Technical Officer of TNTJohn Schwarzmannf. this FedExr left FedEx and became the Chief Technical Officer of Reed ElsevierKeith McGarr
Peter Dangerfield3/31/2016
A Tom Bullion
Subject: Bowa-Sarasota
David Nieto4/1/2016
Subject: BOWA- Sarasota
David Nieto4/1/2016
BOWA- Sarasota
Subject: Jimmy.. Is Larry Mc Mann still with FedEx.. 😊
Peter Carabetta4/4/2016
Jimmy.. Is Larry Mc Mann still with FedEx.. 😊
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/4/2016
not sure
Peter Carabetta4/4/2016
Jimmy.. How old is Fred now ?? 😀
Don Rose4/4/2016
I believe Fred is 70 now.
Peter Carabetta4/4/2016
Thx Don.. 😊
Don Rose4/4/2016
I'm not sure but I think Fred is 3 years older than me. Not sure when his b"day is.
Clayton Roderick4/4/2016
August 11, 1944 (age 71)
Don Rose4/4/2016
Four years older than me then. I thought it was only three. Thank you sir.
Dave Hansen4/5/2016
I just looked in LDAP, Larry McMann is not listed as being a Fedex employee.
Peter Carabetta4/5/2016
Thx Dave for the update..
Dave Hansen4/11/2016
Subject: Hey, everyone, and thanks Jimmy for the invitation to the group! I could really use your collective ...
Andy Harambe Wilkinson4/4/2016
Hey, everyone, and thanks Jimmy for the invitation to the group! I could really use your collective expertise for a problem I'm stuck on.I am a recent ex-student working on a research project with some friends. It's a heads up display for air traffic controllers and people in ground operations.We think the SuperHub is really interesting and want to do some mockups of what it would look like if it were used by a company like FedEx.Did any of you ever work there, or know a ramp controller? We'd love to talk with you directly to learn more—just comment here(Here is an example of what it would look like at an airport like Heathrow )

Hey, everyone, and thanks Jimmy for the invitation to the group! I could really use your collective expertise for a problem I'm stuck on.
Subject: I just saw an ad for this, eyeglasses starting at $6.95.
Jack Brown4/10/2016
Subject: Back from week in Disney with a 2,5 & 6 year old.............recovery time!
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/11/2016
Back from week in Disney with a 2,5 & 6 year old.............recovery time!FedEx Trivia
Answer True of False to any of the statements below:a. In the 80's FedEx looked at using Artificial Intelligence in the call centersb. In the 80's FedEx looked at heads up displays for dispatch on courier vehicles.c. In the 80's FedEx looked at using retinal glasses for call center agents to display IBM 3270 screensd. FedEx won approval to fly passengerse. The first language used in the Supertracker was BASICf. The first language used in Customer Automation was BASICg. The first Sort Director in the SuperHub was a Perkin Elmer mini computerh. FedEx used personality & psychology tests for hiring to judge honestyi. At one point FedEx had about 8 layers of management in Operations
Bruce Lindow4/11/2016
d. correct , g. is correct.
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/15/2016 the best of my memory:
a. In the 80's FedEx looked at using Artificial Intelligence in the call centers
There was a study and it was too premature to use, although one employee got verbally irate that the study wasn't implemented and was physically removed from FedEx
b. In the 80's FedEx looked at heads up displays for dispatch on courier vehicles.
c. In the 80's FedEx looked at using retinal glasses for call center agents to display IBM 3270 screens
Technology was still immature and there was concern that the retina glasses might damage people's eyes
d. FedEx won approval to fly passengers
FedEx won approval to fly one route out of the Midway airport...and that took over a year to get the approval....providing initiative to buy Flying Tigers to get their International landing rights.
e. The first language used in the Supertracker was BASIC
It was the FORTH language
f. The first language used in Customer Automation was BASIC
g. The first Sort Director in the SuperHub was a Perkin Elmer mini computer
The very first was a Z-80 based microcomputer with some floppies provided when Rapistan who put in the first Primary sort belts and diverters. This was later replaced with the Perkin Elmer mini computer which was from the D01 project (to sort overnite letters) around 1983.
h. FedEx used personality & psychology tests for hiring to judge honesty
For a short period of time in the 80's, they did.
i. At one point FedEx had about 8 layers of management in Operations
The hub had too many layers leading to a reorganization.
Subject: Hello!! Thanks Mark for the invitation to the group!
Gelsy Mendez Escobar4/12/2016
Hello!! Thanks Mark for the invitation to the group!
Margie Casanova4/13/2016
Me too! thanks Marcus!
Martha Leiva4/18/2016
Same here. Me three-Mark W Evans
Subject: FedEx Trivia
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/12/2016
FedEx TriviaWhat FedEx company did this idea spawn?Products would be shipped from suppliers and delivered by large trucks to a neighborhood where a tent could be set up. Part time couriers, much like newspaper delivery carriers would take their packages and deliver to homes in their neighborhoods. The couriers would do no package pickup, just delivery. This would provide a low cost shipping option for delivery from Internet shopping.
Don Rose4/12/2016
Home Delivery.
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/13/2016
Don is correct! Original plan was to do this at Express, but costs were too high. Ground was given the task to come up with a Delivery only package service.
Subject: Harry Potter
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/13/2016
Harry PotterA favorite story as told by a FedEx computer vendor was the morning that FedEx delivered 100,000 plus copies of a Harry Potter novel on a Saturday morning as a special edition release of the book.He went outside with his daughter who was still in pajamas waiting on the FedEx delivery van.He looked down the street and there were dozens of families also waiting, many in pajamas waiting on the FedEx courier. The FedEx van and stopped at each home, and he said the families ran back inside their homes as they received their FedEx package with the prized new release of Harry Potter.He said..."this should be made into a FedEx commercial". FedEx Express & Ground both participated in this release on the next book also.
Sheila Turnage Harrell4/13/2016
That day customer service received calls from people who just wanted to say "thank you!" It was a day to remember! ❤️
Linda Ann Morrow4/13/2016
I got your help deliver on a Harry Potter book release day. It was awesome. The terminal took extra time at the safety briefing because kids would be out.
Marsha Terry Rider4/14/2016
They need to make an updated version of the movie "The Music Man" and reword the song lyrics "The Wells-Fargo Wagon is a comin' down the street. Oh please let it be for me!"
Subject: FedEx Pilot & former Astronaut
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/14/2016
FedEx Pilot & former Astronaut
Ken Pasley4/14/2016
great picture
Subject: A bit of FedEx history...
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/15/2016
A bit of FedEx history...
Ron J Ponder4/15/2016
Great Article! Thanks Jimmy
Dan Elliot4/15/2016
Loved those planes! Great jump seat (uncomfortable, but great view)!! I still remember the wreck I had...
Peter Dangerfield4/15/2016
Brings back great memories, I was hired as avionics supervisor in Little Rock to help install the triple redundant avionics systems.
Dave Hansen4/15/2016
Excellent piece of our history.
Akita Hank4/16/2016
You ain't jumped until you jumped a Falcon, it was definitely up close and personal with the pilots.
Subject: FedEx Insurance History Trivia
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/16/2016
FedEx Insurance History TriviaAnswer any of the following...a. In the late 80's FedEx offered health insurance to retirees, starting at age 55. You only needed to have been at FedEx for 5 years. This stopped and any employee hired in the future had to work there at least 20 years. Why the change?b. About last year, FedEx went to higher deductible, much higher premiums and higher costs to the employees on health insurance. Why?c. The costs of FedEx health insurance for retirees & spouse (under the age of 65) is something like $500 or more a month, more than current employees. Why?d. What group of employees at FedEx has the lowest premium?e. Which group of employees probably has the best insurance at FedEx?
Dave Hansen4/16/2016
A= Cost B= Obamacare rule changes C = As you get older, you need more fixing. d- Pilots e=Hub workers. How did I do?
EliMama Black4/16/2016
C. Actually it is more than $800 per person
Gary Phillips4/16/2016
He said $500 or more, more than current employees. He didn't mean total cost of premium.
Ray Lipham4/16/2016
C; As I understand it, around 1993, the federal government changed the law about how companies accounted for the expense of retiree health benefits. Companies had to start putting this future expense on the books, so to speak. To do that, the company had to assign a set expense for the retiree benefit. Of course, since then, the cost of health care has increased. The amount of money FedEx allocated to retiree health care has been exceeded by the increased cost of health care so that is the reason that retirees pay more. At the time this change was made, 50% of the companies that had retiree health care dropped it from their benefits.
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/16/2016
a. In the late 80's FedEx offered health insurance to retirees, starting at age 55. You only needed to have been at FedEx for 5 years. This stopped and any employee hired in the future had to work there at least 20 years. Why the change?
Ray's answer is correct. The regulatory board for CPA's recommended this change and the government accepted it....
b. About last year, FedEx went to higher deductible, much higher premiums and higher costs to the employees on health insurance. Why?
Dave is correct. The Affordable Care Act defined for companies the maximum they & employees could contribute to health care plans, and if they went over that amount, they were taxed at a 40% rate; this money went to subsidize citizens health care premiums and also went to hospitals in order for them to accept the plan. Either the government wanted everyone to have the same type of insurance or it was just another way to get money out of companies to subsidize premiums for others
c. The costs of FedEx health insurance for retirees & spouse (under the age of 65) is something like $500 or more a month, more than current employees. Why?
FedEx retirees can only keep FedEx insurance until they turn 65. FedEx contributes around $12K into an insurance pool and the employee contributes premiums into the same pool to pay for medical expenses. When an employee retires the company still contributes into the pool, but it is less than half of what they do for employees. The retiree has to make up the difference. About 9 years ago the premium was about $500/month(retiree & spouse). That premium is now between $900 and $1,200 a month.
d. What group of employees at FedEx has the lowest premium?
part time single hub employees
e. Which group of employees probably has the best insurance at FedEx?
Pilots, which is part of their contract. The contract also includes verbage to change that plan if it is defined as a 'cadillac' plan by the IRS.
Ric Honey4/17/2016
Thanks for the education Jimmy.
Subject: Jack Brown > FedEx ITD Retiree Breakfast Club
Jack Brown4/17/2016
Subject: HA HA LMAO!!
Gary Owens4/17/2016
Mark Baugh4/17/2016
He was "Over Come" with sleep.
Gary Owens4/17/2016
Gary Owens4/17/2016
Too funny! I just had to post this!!!
Jon Peacock4/18/2016
This employee does not need to fired. Give him several days off without pay then. Then, Re-assign, him to something other than off load or on load of all aircraft or truck loading operations. Put him in the SPSS sort. That will keep him awake.
Raymond Lane Cross4/18/2016
His punishment: He had to stay in Lubbock over the weekend!
Gary Phillips4/18/2016
He may have been going to apply as Tubby Smith's replacement.
Subject: FedEx Trivia True of False? Answer any of the following...
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/18/2016
FedEx Trivia
True of False?
Answer any of the following...1. At one time FedEx considered putting a large sportsplex at Democrat so employees could work out2. At one time FedEx considered having a Florida private resort for employees to use with the idea the employees work very hard, the company wanted an inexpensive place employees & families to relax3. At one time FedEx considered offering day care on site4. At one time FedEx bid on flying private space shuttles5. At one time FedEx leased amusement parks, just for employees to use for special days6. FedEx turned down the option to be featured in the movie "CastAway"7. FedEx managerial training includes physical training to put emphasis on taking care of yourself8. FedEx has sold older jets, not gotten paid for them, and stole them back9. Fred Smith gambled the last funds Federal Express had, to raise money to continue operations10. FedEx moved its headquarters from Arkansas, because of better weather in Memphis
Ron Houston4/18/2016
1-5=T, 6=F, 7=T, 8=T, 9=T, 10=F (Was moved but not for better weather). Have a great week!
Ben Moore4/20/2016
FedEx considered buying the former Holiday Inn University facility when it came up for sale. The deal got all the way up to Jim Barksdale. Jim vetoed it saying he didn't want to get calls for guests complaining about cockroaches in their room.
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/21/2016
1. At one time FedEx considered putting a large sportsplex at Democrat so employees could work out
2. At one time FedEx considered having a Florida private resort for employees to use with the idea the employees work very hard, and the company wanted an inexpensive place employees & families to relax
3. At one time FedEx considered offering day care on site
TRUE, in Collierville location
4. At one time FedEx bid on flying private space shuttles
TRUE, the company FedEx Spacetran was formed to launch small satellites and bid on the Space Shuttle launches, which were originally planned to be one per week and NASA wanted to turn over the management of cargo and flights to private firms
5. At one time FedEx leased amusement parks, just for employees to use for special days
6. FedEx turned down the option to be featured in the movie "CastAway"
TRUE, Initially FedEx turned down being the express company in the movie. Castaway producers wanted millions from FedEx to be 'featured' in the movie. After review, the producers decided that having UPS as the express company just wasn't going to work with the audience, and FedEx was back in the movie, at no cost other than providing the Superhub and shooting locations.
7. FedEx managerial training includes physical training to put emphasis on taking care of yourself
FALSE & TRUE, at one time for 2 days it was included. It was a short lived experiment. Up at 6am for manager training in Olive Branch for 45 minutes of aerobic exercise. Some of the field guys partied every night(as much as you could party in Olive Branch), and almost collapsed. The exercise was discontinued after the 2nd day....
8. FedEx has sold older jets, not gotten paid for them, and stole them back
TRUE, as the rumor goes
9. Fred Smith gambled the last funds Federal Express had, to raise money to continue operations
FALSE but somewhat TRUE, FWS didn't gamble company money, but did gamble, won and put that on making payroll.
He was leaving Chicago where he was pleading for another round of financing with a financial institution to keep the company going. He was turned down.
He was at Chicago O'hare airport and just looked up at the flights out and next one was Las Vegas. He jumped on that plane and in Las Vegas he won $25,000. He put that in the company's funds to be used to make payroll the following week. Times were tough with even pilots buying their own fuel on their credit cards,at times, when FedEx credit was denied for fuel at some locations.
10. FedEx moved its headquarters from Arkansas, because of better weather in Memphis
FALSE, Federal Express did move it's headquarters but not for weather. The Little Rock airport needed expansion for the companie's plan and Arkansas would not take a risk and fund the expansion. Officials in Tennessee, offered FedEx space on the MEM airport in National Guard Hangars and an airport bond issue to build the first sorting hub.
Charlie Derrick4/21/2016
8. As I remember it, the planes were leased to a company in Las Vegas, who did not pay the lease. We sent flight crew to 'recover' the assets.
Subject: Anyone know if Cigna covers acupuncture treatments?
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/20/2016
Anyone know if Cigna covers acupuncture treatments?
Eva Lantrip4/20/2016
No it's not covered. Considered alternative medicine.
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/20/2016
Danielle Harnisch4/20/2016
They always used to
Eva Lantrip4/20/2016
One of the churches in east Memphis has an acupuncturist who comes on Saturdays and you pay based on a sliding scale. I'll get the name of the church.
Eva Lantrip4/20/2016
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/20/2016
Marsha Terry Rider4/20/2016
The Cigna active employee insurance covered acupuncture when I left in 2013 - not sure if its still covered.
Subject: For Memphis based retirees...Summer Movies at the Orpheum
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/22/2016
For Memphis based retirees...Summer Movies at the OrpheumSchedule:•Jun 2 , 2016 – Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade – 7pm
•Jun 3 , 2016 – Beverly Hills Cop – 7pm
•Jun 9 , 2016 – The Sound of Music – 7pm
•Jun 10 , 2016 – The Rocky Horror Picture Show – 8pm
•Jun 24 , 2016 – When Harry Met Sally – 7pm
•Jul 8 , 2016 – Pan’s Labyrinth – 7pm
•Jul 14 , 2016 – Tootsie – 7pm
•Jul 15 , 2016 – Muppet Treasure Island – 2pm
•Jul 15 , 2016 – North by Northwest – 7pm
•Jul 21 , 2016 – 10 Things I Hate About You – 7pm
•Jul 22 , 2016 – The Karate Kid – 7pm
•Jul 29 , 2016 – Clerks – 7pm
•Aug 19 , 2016 – Grease – 7pm
•Aug 26 , 2016 – Gone with the Wind – 7pm
Deby Abbott Jolley4/23/2016
Check their website for locations - either the Orpheum or Halloran Centre.
Subject: Raymond Lane Cross shared Memphis International Airport - MEM's video to the group: FedEx ITD Retire ...
Raymond Lane Cross4/22/2016
Here’s a little movie we made using FlightRadar24 on a Thursday night. All of this is happening while most of you are asleep. #FedEx
Sharon Fordham4/22/2016
Peter Carabetta4/26/2016
Awesome.. Thanks !!
Subject: FedEx Trivia Answer any of the following:
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/26/2016
FedEx Trivia
Answer any of the following:a. This company built the first SuperTrackers
HHP , hand held products
b. this system consolidated operations information into the first unix SUN workstations
c. this system was modelled after AVIS car rental system
d. this company provided the ACD's (phone systems)
that connected 5000 customer service agents
e. this was the companies first Internet application
package scan tracking
f. this system connected 42,000 couriers via computers
g. this system cleared international shipments
h. how many diverters did the first Memphis hub have?
zero- it had just a circular/oval conveyor belt
i. what are the first sort belts in the superhub where all conveyable packages go to-primaries
Don Rose4/26/2016
C. COSMOS, D. Rockwell F. DADS
Gary Schuyler4/26/2016
A. Hand Held Products
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/26/2016
So far, Don & Gary's answers are correct for A,C & D
Joe Cutrell4/27/2016
a few guesses - G: SELCT, H: 0, I: Primary Input
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/27/2016
...and Joe's answers are correct! ; G. sometimes called Broker/Select
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/27/2016
and E. the company's first internet application was Package tracking
Charlie Derrick4/27/2016
Charlie Derrick4/27/2016
Subject: Jimmy.. When is FedEx's birthday 🎂 ??
Peter Carabetta4/26/2016
Jimmy.. When is FedEx's birthday 🎂 ??
Don Rose4/26/2016
Official start service date is April 17th, 1973.
Peter Carabetta4/26/2016
Thx so much Don.. I knew it was April but wasn't sure of the exact date.. 😊
Don Rose4/26/2016
We actually had a soft start date a few weeks before, but it didn't pan out well and we re-grouped.
Subject: FedEx Retiree Poll Now that you are retired......
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/28/2016
FedEx Retiree Poll
Now that you are retired......1. Where is your favorite place to vacation?
2. What is your favorite restaurant
3. About what percentage of your dinner meals do you eat out?
4. Are you more physically active in retirement than when you worked?
Cheryl Bowen4/28/2016
Olive Garden
Was more active in retirement until back surgery in January.
Sherry Little4/28/2016
Jim's Place East
Absolutely - gym 4 -5 times a week
Danielle Harnisch4/28/2016
camping or hiking, italian, 99%, about the same
Subject: Retired FedExR Lydle Simpson enjoying his retirement (shared from David Jordan's FB page)
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/28/2016
Retired FedExR Lydle Simpson enjoying his retirement (shared from David Jordan's FB page)
EliMama Black4/28/2016
Haaaay Lydle!!! Thanks for sharing! Debby Franklin
Subject: FedEx Trivia Quiz
Jimmy Glenn Burk4/28/2016
FedEx Trivia QuizIn 1989 a disgruntled and fired courier wore a fedex like uniform and appeared on tv standing by a courier van, parked by a school, proclaiming that FedEx was cheating the government with one of it's services. ABC took the story big time and did something like a 20/20 segement on all of FedEx's abuses: Shipping munitions in vans that parked by schools, & not providing the government services that it paid for. ABC even went to a station to allow FedEx to comment on the accusations and no one would answer the door ( it didn't matter to ABC that it was a new, and unopened station that they went to for comment.) FedEx tried to get ABC to delay the broadcast until they could respond, but ABC refused and aired the segment.a. What was the service called that FedEx offered to the government.?
b. What did FedEx do in response to the accusations?