Trivia Quiz

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FedEx Trivia Quiz to do at your leisure.

Match as many as possible, some acronyms used for

multiple projects thru fedex history.  You may want to print this.


a.  POLARIS      b. RED           c. MARS         d. GENESIS

e.  DIAMOND   f. DADS         g. COSMOS    h. ZODIAC

i.   D01               j. MSDS         k. ZAPMAIL    l.  COSMOS Squared

m. STAR             n. SUPER      o. PowerPad    p. GOCC



1983 Project to capture zipcodes from overnite letters on a conveyor belt

  Program to scan all packages at customer loc

mid 1980's project to scan airbills and send by satellite to remote locations for data entry


Palm sized device developed for low cost Cust Automation device by SIS

  Capture airbills and dimension of packages and upcharge
  Program to transmit customer letters in 1 hour
  time card entry
  Replacement of more powerful SuperTracker device
  Integration of flight and operations data on one screen/unix
  Mainframe app for central dispatching & Call Center function
  Program to scan airbills at station & OCR overnite in MEM
  Program to scan all packages @ station & HUB
  System to dispatch drivers by computers in Vans
  System that would proactively track packages on routes thru FedEx system and know when they are misrouted
  Early system to capture airbill info and key in Memphis
  First system to put intelligent modems and system in Network

Proj Name to put overhead scanners in MEM and capture zip code so keyers weren't needed.

  System to consolidate info for HUB

Proj Name to integrate capture of all Package data before midnite to plan flight and sort operations and deliveries








FedEx Trivia Answers:



i  D01 -1982 Project to capture zipcodes from overnite letters

            on a conveyor belt; Images were captured from overnite

            letters and sent to keyers remotely to enter zip code;

            project prototype was successful, but main contractor

            went bankrupt during 1st phase installation. That is how

            we inherited 2 Perkin Elmer computers to use in the Superhub.


q COSMOS IIb -Program to scan all packages at customer loc

                    Using SuperTracker to scan packages and transmit via

                    DADS or Smartbase for processing by COSMOS


b RED-  mid 1980's project to scan airbills and send by satellite

     to remote locations for data entry; Poor regions of the country

     like coal mining areas were envisioned for key locations; project

     did not meet schedule and was the last of the projects to be

     named a color.


s COSMOS IIc   Palm sized device developed for low cost Cust

      Automation device by SIS; code named Sally B after Jim

      Barksdale's wife; it was successful, but prices of PC's had

      dropped so fast, there were just a few hundred dollars diff

      in buying one of these vs a fully functioned PC


j MSDS- Capture airbills and dimension of packages and upcharge

              One of the most financially successful projects ever.


k ZAPMAIL- Program to transmit customer letters in 1 hour; not

        a financial success. Volumes never went over 55,000 per day.


m STAR- time card entry and reporting


o PowerPad- Replacement of the SuperTracker with more powerful dev.

           Project championed by Winn Stephenson. Initially DGO wanted

           to use a Palm, a Newton or anything off the shelf, but

           eventually Motorola won the bid over Symbol


p GOCC-Integration of flight and operations data on one screen/unix

          One of the first major Unix and router projects at FedEx. Used SUN.


g COSMOS - Mainframe app for central dispatching & Call Center function


d GENESIS-Program to scan airbills at station & OCR overnite in MEM

       I believe the corresponding proj to scan the airbills in Memphis for

       billing was DCI


r COSMOS IIa- Program to scan all packages @ station & HUB

         First ever project to use bar codes for tracking packages. Used

         the Norand HHT


f DADS - System to dispatch drivers by computers in Vans

         A major project of the 80's championed by Jim Moore. It

         put FedEx over 15 years ahead of UPS technology.


l COSMOS Squared- System that would proactively track packages on routes thru

     FedEx system and know when they are misrouted


a Polaris - Early system to capture airbill info and key in Memphis


c MARS- First system to put intelligent modems and system in Network

          Championed by Ancel Hankins to keep availability up in stations


h ZODIAC-Proj Name to put overhead scanners in MEM and

      capture zip code so keyers weren't needed. SIS project to

      increase capacity in the SuperHub. Proj cancelled when it

      was decided to fix capacity in Mem


n SUPER- System to consolidate info for HUB; it used Tandem computers


e DIAMOND- Proj Name to integrate capture of all Package data before

      midnite to plan flight and sort operations and deliveries for the next day