email: vorlonjb@yahoo.com
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The 1970's & 80’s were  exciting times...

Frederick Smith had the vision, the money, and jets...

He needed revolutionary ideas & people to integrate it all..

How did Purple People create radical  IT systems when the world was just coming out of
an archaic age:  teleprinters, message switch protocols, and 1200 baud circuits?

What were the business problems, what was the Culture, and Who were the Pioneers that innovated
the IT foundations of FedEx with new technologies and radical thinking?

What were the lessons learned that can be  applied to Innovation today; where will Technology &
Innovation take us in future generations?

These webpages are for those that built FedEx and for those that are still at the Company.

In addition to stories and videos of these pioneers, several areas of innovation will be explored including:

-Development of the first privated wireless Radio data network -DADS

-Development of Customer Automation to assist Customers in airbill preparation, online tracking/tracing and online billing

-Development of Scanning and Tracking systems of Packages using barcodes

-Development and Evolution of Networks

and other innovations


Many Thanks to the following Contributors:

Chuck Graham Ancel Hankins John Schwarzmann
Jim Bentley Jimmy Sowell Paul Benbrook
Buddy Johnson Ken Pasley Chuck Siegfried
Tom Bullion Bob Higgins

Bob Gavin

Winn Stephenson Jim Moore  
Sherry Taylor Jack Brown  
Cheryl Bowen Clayton Roderick  
David Pike Jim Barksdale  
Dr. Ron J. Ponder Harry Dalton  


Other Links & Resources:

Changing How the World Does Business

by Roger Frock (FedEx's first COO)
FedEx Delivers by Madan Birla (Managing Director)
Customer Culture by Michael Basch (SVP Sales,Cust Service & SuperHub Implementation )
Federal Express Wiki Wikipedia
The Story of FedEX - A Chronicle of Achievements SRI
From the Ground UP-A Lifelong Journey of Re-Inventing Yourself by Brian Pecon

"Absolutely, Positively Operations Research: The FedEx Story "

History of Operations Research @ FedEx
"Absolutely, Positively Overnight" The Unofficial Corporate History of Federal Express by Sigafoos & Easson

How to Submit your Comments & Memories

Stories, Memories & your comments are most welcome.

Send an email to Jimmy Burk vorlonjb@yahoo.com; these will be reviewed, edited and placed inside the relative webpage or in a comments page within a few days of being received..


I am Jimmy Glenn Burk and I worked at FedEx from 1980 till 2007. I was fortunate to develop many of FedEx's innovative projects; and even more fortunate to know and work with many of those that developed other systems.

I always planned to retire early and write a book on what I deemed an adventure at FedEx. My retirement though has been filled with travel, life and grandchildren. With limited time, I decided to draft some Early History webpages similar to wiki pages. These draft pages give some of my memories of these early systems, and I hope will encourge many of my co-workers to share their stories.

If you would like to participate in these history pages, send your stories, videos and comments to me at vorlonjb@yahoo.com

Your info will be posted as quickly as possible, for others to share.

I've concentrated on Info and Telecom systems from 1973 to 1995; I didn't want to share any sensitive information or any trade secrets; As time passes we will add stories from 1996 to the present.

Especially, any corrections are welcome.

I have a BIOgraphy page, if you want to be listed on those pages, just email me a photo and information about yourself.

Click Here to go to Bio Page    


Thanks to all,

Jimmy G. Burk



This is a personal website not endorsed by any company or group and not supported by FedEx or any associated entity. Opinions and memories are my own, or submissions by readers. Nothing is meant to defame or provide any secure processes or private information. Email Jimmy Burk (vorlonjb@yahoo.com) if any information is considered sensitive.

Information posted are memories of the past. It should not be taken as absolute truths or facts.

Any images or logos have been created or taken from readily available photos on the Internet. Some were given to me in the early 1980's. None are owned by the author. Let me know if anything is sensitive and it will be taken off that webpage.

These pages are not for profit; they are for the enjoyment and re-hashing of history& memories that many of us lived thru.

Stories and comments are welcome; if any are submitted, the sender takes sole responsility of correctness of the info, & gives the right to put into these webpages or comment pages, and to be edited, unless you note otherwise.

You may link to these pages but please do not copy anything without permission.

All trademarks, service marks, collective marks, design rights, personality rights, copyrights, registered names, mottos, logos, avatars, insignias and marks used or cited by this website are the property of their respective owners and this website in no way accepts any responsibility for an infringement on one of the above.